Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day Six

awoke to coughing and sniffling, and it wasn't boy.  it was me.  ugh!  that's what happens when you get halted and don't do too much for a few days.  that and your boy gives up smoking so gets sick as the toxins leave his body and he passes it on to you!
i have to say that i am super impressed with the boy.  after everything that has happened in the past week, including lack of power meaning no coffee for most of last saturday, he hasn't been tempted to even have one cigarette.  most awesome.
not feeling 100% meant the day didn't consist of much, esp after heading across the rd to catch up with a girlfriend and my lungs feeling like they had needles in them.  on the way over the rd we ran into simo, the owner of our new-found local eatery.  simo's has been in the local shops the entire time we have lived here, but we had never ventured into the shop.  we finally did a few weeks ago and fell in love with the divine, clean food.  
the were hugs all round as we commiserated re his shop, it's been no go'ed.  whether that will stick or not, but as you can see in my photos from yesterday the second story ain't looking so good.
i have no idea what hit me today, but the nerves really gave in and the anxiety hit.  there was no reason to it, i just think too much adrenalin running through my veins all week and my body had had enough.  
for those who aren't aware, a few years ago i was on a plane that had to make an emergency descent mid-flight between australia and new zealand.  we weren't forced into the water, thank god - don't want to think about that scenario, but dropped 10000 odd feet in what must have been all of 30secs.  ever since then it doesn't take much to get my adrenalin levels increased, hence i thought i'd been coping quite well.  then again, maybe it just the broken sleep that i've been dealing with this week.
i am very tempted to jump on a plane and get out of here today.  i'm realising it's actually exhausting being here.
ironically, there were limited aftershocks today...very quiet in fact....maybe they are finally settling.
i didn't take any photos today, but was going to post some from yesterday - but i did day5 - take 2 instead.  there will be more tomorrow - i promise.

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